How my journey began
Vanessa Voltolina, MS, RD, CDN
Since the age of four, I’ve been following a heart healthy diet. No, really!
I have a condition called familial hypercholesterolemia, which means that I have a genetic defect that doesn’t allow me to get rid of LDL (bad) cholesterol normally. So, when my family discovered then that I had a total cholesterol level greater than 480mg/dL as a toddler, it was cause for concern! High cholesterol levels—in addition to diseases like arthritis, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis—can lead to chronic, low grade inflammation, which is associated with fatigue, weakness and weight gain.
Luckily for me— and despite the struggle—my family and healthcare providers were integral in instilling a healthy diet and lifestyle from an early age.
Now, I practice as a registered dietitian nutritionist who loves helping people find creative methods for tackling their eating, weight and health goals. I provide medical nutrition therapy and counseling to patients in clinical care settings, including hospitals, clinics and rehabilitation facilities in the Greater New York City area.
Prior to becoming a dietitian, I worked for 8 years for lifestyle companies such as AOL and NBC Universal, where I created digital editorial and social media content. When I decided it was (finally!) time to make nutrition a major part of my life, I went back to school — New York University’s Nutrition & Food Studies program — and received my master’s of science. My main focus was, and continues to be, health, wellness, food and relationships.